Should You Keep Goldfish With Angelfish in the Same Aquarium?

William Lucas
3 min readJun 25, 2022


In general, you should avoid keeping goldfish with angelfish, because their water needs aren’t compatible. Angels and goldfish are native to different regions of the world, so their recommended water parameters are not compatible with theirs. In addition, there is some risk of goldfish predation on angels, which could be dangerous for your aquarium’s inhabitants. Listed below are some things you need to keep in mind before putting goldfish with angelfish in the same tank.

Natural selection

Goldfish are a small family of fish. Historically, they were selectively bred for color in imperial China. Several breeds exist today, with different sizes, fin configurations, and colors. Goldfish come in different colors, including white, yellow, red, and brown. This article will discuss the genetic differences between goldfish and angelfish. Listed below are some of the more common varieties.

Nonrandom mating

The Nonrandom Mating of Goldfish and Angelfish demonstrates the power of natural selection. During this experiment, students will represent goldfish and predators. Predators will prefer orange goldfish because they taste better. In the wild, this population will be exterminated by natural selection. This experiment can be performed with goldfish of various sizes, including juveniles. The students can also observe the effects of mate-selection by comparing their own goldfish to those of the other species.


Angelfish and goldfish are two species of fish that cannot coexist in the same tank. Angelfish prefer warmer temperatures and goldfish do not. Therefore, angelfish cannot be kept with goldfish as they would most likely attack the latter. This is because both species of fish require different types of water to survive and thrive. Angelfish will also nip at the fins of goldfish. The following are tips for keeping both fish in harmony.

Water parameters

The ideal water parameters for angelfish and goldfish are based on a number of factors. Firstly, you should measure the pH level, which refers to the acidity of the water. This is a vital part of tank maintenance, as it will help determine whether the water quality is safe for goldfish. The lower the pH level, the better for your angelfish and goldfish. However, if you do not measure it, you may cause your fish to get sick.


Goldfish and angelfish are very similar in appearance, and they can eat the same food, but they do not have the same nutritional requirements. Besides, the latter requires more water than the former, and the latter will need up to five gallons for a single adult. Although goldfish and angelfish can share the same foods, mixing them together will lead to overcrowding and illness. The two species may even be prone to the same infection.

Tank size

While angelfish do not grow very large, goldfish can grow up to several times their size. Fully grown goldfish need at least 25 gallons of water. Incorrect tank size can cause a variety of health problems, disease outbreaks, and even death. In addition, angelfish will likely eat small fish, like neon tetras. This is why a tank with enough space is essential.

Genetically enhanced goldfish

A common question from aquarium enthusiasts is whether genetically enhanced goldfish and angelfish can co-exist in the same tank. In this article, I’ll give you the answer. This unusual breeding combination has many advantages. Angelfish require warm water while goldfish require cold water. The resulting hybrid is a perfect choice for an outdoor pond. Despite the benefits of both species, there are some considerations when choosing tank mates.

Other fish that get along with goldfish

When choosing other fish for your goldfish aquarium, keep these three in mind:



William Lucas
William Lucas

Written by William Lucas



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